The newspaper called back for another cover illustration, this time for the Superbowl. They wanted a generic cartoon, not any specific caricatures of the athletes. I tried coming up with a bit of a different style this time, Strangest thing about this job?... As I was painting the art of the cardinal, trying to capture a likeness of the bird, an actual cardinal lands outside my window by my computer!
I painted this in Painter 10 as usual, but I started with an ochre colored background and built up from there. I ended up using a strong blue background to build contrast and make the whole thing more intimidating.
Click on art for a larger view.
Niiice! I especially like the hands of the steelworker and the look on the cardinal's face.
Guess everyone is for the Steelers, huh?
it's really cool to see the different stage of the picture
Did the cardinal that lit by your window ask you not to draw it's double chin?
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